Free Internet and Risk of The Internet

Tonight, I think about the future of the internet. Through which I compile video of two videos, I would like to invite you to consider how best the internet in the future.

Increasingly the same internet needs such as the need to eat. Everyone needs information to find what you want to search. And the two giants Google and Facebook websites vying for internet evenly throughout the corners of the earth.

Google the internet Baloon program, or so-called Loon Project, while making drones facebook internet. Two giant tune his website as to build the Internet around the world.

Any change there must be a risk, as well as internet. Besides having a lot of benefits, it is also having an impact as well. And the ease of the Internet also brings new forms of crime, or so-called cyber crime.

All parties felt the need to develop the future of the internet better, including the bloggers we can certainly make isue and how best solution would be the development of the Internet in the future.

Well, here are two videos that have been ku edit using YouTube editor, I hope we can all think about it, by comparing the risks and benefits of the free internet that is being developed facebook wherever place.

What do you think, after watching the two videos above? do you agree with the free internet? whereas the risk is even greater.

I was still the gray figure this out. In the future, I hope there is someone who is able to answer the technological developments that are gray.

I realized, when I saw the appearance of the mark when he presented the project, he made a brand with a gray shirt he always wore when campaigning facebook wherever he is.

Even in Indonesia, he met President Joko Widodo to campaign on facebook to be used by all citizens of Indonesia, both in urban and remote areas around the country-which is difficult to reach.

I judge, facebook development today, more and more filled with issues that have political motives, to the ease of spreading pornographic content throughout the facebook or other social media.

Informative society that increasingly seems to always be flooded with information that I think is less than helpful. Even sometimes, when there are issues that grazed the country's problems, always be a good person conversation in social media and in real life.

What is your opinion?